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Join the online Free Webinar

November 9th @ 7EST | 5MST | 4PST | 2HST

1 Hour Workshop Includes:

30 Minutes of Training

20 Minutes of 1:1 Hot Seats

10 Minutes of Q & A



Have you ever thought….

  • I don’t make enough money.

  • My job doesn’t pay me enough.

  • I can’t ask for what I am really worth.

  • I feel guilty asking for more money.

  • I don’t deserve it, there’s someone working harder than me.

  • I don’t have enough. I’m not smart enough.

  • I don’t have enough credentials.


Cream and Green Minimal Creative Portfolio Presentation (2).png

There's power in personally advocating for Yourself.

It gives you confidence.

It's your secret weapon!



What you will Learn:


The difference between confident
and non-confident language.
Create your own unique
confident language
through hands on practice.


Discover go-to phrases
that are authentic to you
so you feel absolutely confident
in asking for a raise.


Recognize your negative patterns
so you stop undermining yourself
in important conversations.


Walk away
being able to confidently
advocate for yourself
when asking for more money
and improve your odds
of getting a YES!




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