How to Manage Money when it comes to Self Improvement


When was the last time you paid for a course, bought a book or completed a training for your own self improvement?

As people who want to help and serve others,  it is easy to get caught up in the idea that more is better.  More training, more education, more learning.  It is all great and has it benefits but it can also be a way in which we avoid taking action.  Avoid moving forward and ultimately spend money we don’t have on things we don’t actually need.  Getting clear with yourself requires an investment in yourself.  So how do you know what to invest in?

You always get to determine where your money goes. Have you ever thought of the WHY behind why you are doing something?

Why did you decide to get trained as a yoga teacher, reiki healer or spiritual intuitive?

What led you to this path and what was the deciding factor in choosing to invest thousands of dollars in training?

Still unsure if you are are being mindful with your financial decisions check out Mindfulness and Money

How you respond Matters!

Next time you are thinking of doing a training or taking a course try this exercise:

At the start of the year or month make a budget for my own self improvement/ self care and list out the trainings, coaching, education that you want to receive. 

At the same time write down exactly how it connects to my higher purpose, my higher vision and why it is important. 

Maybe you notice some things are important and some things are not. Maybe you notice you are spending a great deal of money and time on trainings when you could already be doing what you want to do.

Wanting to do and have more is an easy way to avoid what currently exists and what is already available.

Avoidance can often reside in the stories we have created for ourselves. If you are interested in learning more about your money stories, I encourage you to Join my Spiritual Money Mindset Workshop.


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Bigger Picture!

This allows me you to have clarity in your decisions and to not jump on the next best thing or to assume because someone else is doing it then it must be the right decision for you!

It is so easy to be convinced we need something when we are feeling confused, lonely, afraid or uncertain. 

When you take the time to know yourself and to be clear on where you are going,  your money becomes your friend and investing in the right way becomes a priority! 

You start to spend your money in a way that is supportive and clear rather than having it be an after thought that leaves you feeling guilty and confused. 

Ready to change your Money relationship.

Let’s Chat!