What will Allow you to move away from Fear and into Freedom?

What will allow you to move away from fear and into freedom?

Fear is real and it’s paralyzing.  

Fear has been created to hold us back to feel as though it is impossible to move forward. 

It is easy to get overwhelmed starting to think about how to escape fear. 

If it is were easy we would all be doing it.  Right?

Moving away from what is familiar and comfortable takes extra effort. 

First step is to ask yourself if you are afraid? What scares you?

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If you think you are living in fear, try the following:

  1. Ask yourself what is the worst that could happen if you made a change?  Write down all the possible outcomes and then ask yourself if they are true.

  2. Do one thing each day that makes you feel uncomfortable so you start to build this muscle and grow to strengthen it. 

  3. Create a plan to move forward.  What are small steps you can take each day to move you closer to what you desire. 

  4. Have accountability.  How will you hold yourself accountable and stay on track.  Find a system that will work for you.

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The truth is we never get completely comfortable with fear and that is okay. 

The moment we are comfortable, the desire to take a risk becomes more challenging.  

Life requires a balance.  We can’t dive head first into fear and land gracefully in freedom. 

We may want to the process to move quickly but small steps are required as a tool to evaluate our personal awareness and feelings along the way.

Visualize right now what freedom looks like for you and then notice the moments when fear steps in to have an unwanted voice at the table.  

How often? What does it sound like? What does it feel like? What is it saying?

Looking for accountability to move into your own personal freedom, I am here for you!

As a Financial Coach, I will be your guide to uncover the fears that could be holding you back from what you most desire.