Is it possible to take a safe Risk?

When we talk about risk we often place it in the category of scary or unfamiliar because we don’t know what to expect?

Are all risks scary or is it possible to take a safe risk?

A risk in which we don’t know what to expect and yet we are confident enough to step into it anyway. 

I believe that not all risks are scary, and often times we can create more pressure prior to taking the risk. 

What often creates the most fear is the unknown, the not knowing what is next or how it will all turn out.   

If we knew what to expect or how it would turn out then it wouldn’t seem so scary. 

It is possible to create safe risk by taking a moment to break it down and understand possible outcomes without attachment to the ending. 

Doing this provides a clearer assessment of the situation and helps to minimize the fear of a negative outcome.

It doesn’t eliminate the outcome from being negative it just provides space for possibility.   

Another way to take a safe risk is to start small.  Do one thing that feels uncomfortable or takes you out of your comfort zone and then have awareness to feel how that  lands in your body. 

Know that by taking a risk we often don’t lose as much we think, allow each new risk to be filled with possibility rather than fear. 

The final most important piece to taking a safe risk is to know yourself and your current situation. 

Having awareness to your thoughts, your current environment and circumstances is important.  It is not always the right time to take a risk even when it may be considered safe.  Sometimes the best thing we can do is to stay right where we are and feel into our current situation. 

To know ourselves enough to determine if the risk is worth taking is a choice only you have the power to decide.  

Risk does often bring reward but only if we have space and capacity to let it in with patience and love.  

How do you take safe risks?  Do you believe it is truly possible? 

Amanda Strojny