Episode # 72: How To Navigate Not Knowing Everything as a Yoga Teacher
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On Today’s episode we will explore the best ways to handle a situation where you don’t know as well as why it is so important to have these experiences and have confidence in saying you don’t know. We will go deeper into your relationship to being wrong and not knowing everything and explore how to soften into uncertainty.
Breaking down:
- How you respond to not knowing or having an answer
- Benefits of asking additional questions
- Gaining a level of trust
- Awareness to our own judgments and limitations
- Compassionate inquiry questions to sit with for yourself:
The question to sit with for yourself as a teacher/ leader is are you okay with not knowing?Does that idea of not knowing leave you feeling as though you need to prove or justify?
Do you feel inadequate as a person or teacher when you don’t know?
- How to handle being wrong
- What it means to be wrong in a leadership role
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