When we Heal Ourselves we Heal the Collective

The world feels out of control right now and everywhere you turn is the decision to choose one way of thinking or the other. We are consumed by media and technology giving us direction telling us how to think, act and feel leaving many of us with a hopeless feeling of never getting it right. What if I don’t believe what my friends believe and what if I only believe some ideas and not others, does that put me in a specific category?

The process to healing ourselves requires trust. Trust in our actions, trust in our words and trust in who we are at the core of our being. Healing is not an outside job. As much as we may want to look to others for advice and direction the most honest answer comes from within.

It is the answer that presents itself in the morning stillness or the times when no one is looking and nothing is required to be spoken. It is the time spent simply being with yourself and allowing the mind to be still.

Healing ourselves individually is a process it takes time and there is no arrival. And if we desire to truly heal we must acknowledge the destruction that surrounds us. The media that forces us to follow a narrative, our friends and peers that desire a common way of thinking to feel supported, our family and how we have been raised. We can choose to be consumed by what is comfortable and what is close or we can truly heal. We can step into our heart and seek an understanding of life that is truly our own.

Healing cannot be outsourced. It requires patience, stillness and a gentle releasing of the ego.

So next time you look to the next big event in life to provide healing remember it is simply a disillusion. A way to divert the attention away from the healing that is required inside of you.

When we make the decision to individual heal , we are providing collective healing for all.

Individual healing is what we need now, so the collective healing can truly begin.

Amanda Strojny