Conscious Collaboration vs. Competition

How does it feel to share  someone else’s gifts in your same profession.  To promote another person doing the same thing work as you.

You might be wondering, why would you do such a thing, isn’t the goal to try to make ourselves look different and won’t it take away from my own business. Won’t people forgot about me or not want to work with me if they find someone else doing the same thing. 

And the biggest fear of all… What if they do it better than me? 

This way of thinking leads us down the path of competition and continually comparison to others. The desire to prove ourselves outweighs the desire to be in collaboration with others. Most importantly it diverts us into believing that we are not enough exactly as we are in this moment.

The truth is, no one can do it better than you because they are not you.   

To consciously collaborate we are required to show up for one another to share and to witness. To listen and to understand what other people are doing and to fully understand what unique gifts they hold. In order to do this we cannot be in judgment or comparison. We cannot say we support one another and then turn around and only think of ourselves.

Promoting ourselves is part of having confidence, boundaries and awareness and promoting others requires us to remember we are not separate. We all deserve to have success and to thrive in our personal purpose and the nurturing we provide to ourselves and to others is a key factor.

Lean into the possibility that you can nurture people and still nurture yourself. That others success does not hurt or harm your own success.

How do you show up for yourself and for others?

What would it feel like to consciously collaborate?

Amanda Strojny