Community, Connection and Collective Transformation

We have arrived into 2021 and although the calendar year has changed we may still feel this sense of disconnection from ourselves and from others.

We are still in a place of not being able to gather with one another or connect face to face. I have personally felt extremely isolated at certain points during the pandemic, wondering when everything would go back to the way it once was and then pausing to ask myself is that really possible?

We are also noticing that the Yoga Industry is different because the world is different.  There is more online teaching, less studios, more competition and less coming together.   The online world has caused many of us to feel more disconnected.  Many yoga teachers have ventured out on their own and may feel the empowerment of creating their own personal brand and business while others have felt disempowerment and struggled with how to survive in this new environment and structure. 

So in an effort to bring more connection and community together I have created a FREE community for Yoga Teachers. A way to bring collective transformation and connection back to a community that feels broken and disconnected. We didn’t come into this world to do it ALONE!

Becoming a member means you will participate in a collective collaboration from a diverse group of teachers as you acquire the tools needed to grow your personal yoga business.  And define success on your terms.  This community is a way to continue the conversations from this podcast.

The most exciting part of this community is the live calls that will take place every Tuesday at 2 EST.   The live calls will be structured around specific topics and if you don’t make the live call you will have access to the recordings.  

I am truly passionate about providing a safe place for teachers voices to be heard and I would love to share my promise to you.

Why I am here doing what I am doing? Why does this work matter so much to me?

Your personal value, truth and creative voice are the cornerstones of the work I do.  I approach each relationship with integrity and honesty.   Working as a community, together, we will bring you deeper into alignment with your goals as they become an avenue for your success.

I am truly committed to helping grow the collective success of all through conversation and community.  I am committed to raising the collective vibration through continual examination of how we as a culture value money and success.  

You will feel more deeply rooted in your gifts when you stand confident in your financial power. 

It is possible to have individual and shared success.  

It is possible to know who you are and what you stand for.

It is possible to do what you love and to make money.

I look forward to seeing you for our first live call on January 12th at 2 EST.   

Amanda Strojny