Episode # 48: Creating an Authentic Business through the Discovery of your True Purpose with Eric Klein

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In this episode I sit down with Eric Klein one of the few people on the planet to be both a best-selling leadership author and an ordained lineage holder in a 5,000 year old yoga tradition.  For the past 35 years, he was worked with over 25,000 people in a wide variety of corporate settings.   

We discuss:

  • Eric's Journey into yoga at a young age and his classical awakening at the young age of 16

  • No recipe for finding your purpose - we are all on our own time table

  • How less options helped him to stay focused and how it can feel more challenging today to find your dharma

  • Shadow side of traditional structures only one way to do it

  • The different factors that draw us into the path

  • How there can be mixed motivations bringing us to the path

  • Finding a way to make money with yoga

  • Learning how to integrate the yoga teachings with leadership

  • Balance your soul - coming into harmony with your manifestations

  • The gift of listening and asking questions

  • Be Curious about what your heart is feeling fear around

  • Challenges with only teaching yoga due to the current business model

  • What it means to have an authentic business

  • Fierce honesty as part of the path

  • How lying to yourself prevents you from getting the thing you desire most

  • Tuning into our own wounds that need healing or callings that need to be filled

  • Shifting from the external to internal

  • How the astrological chart is a reflection of your souls needs

  • Learning to trust your own BS Meter

  • Learning to understand the part of you that is pulled when you are wounded

  • Tapping into your own personal power - what do you know to be true

  • Untapped Power of contentment through this moment of experience

  • “ To rest in the completeness of this breath”

Eric’s book You are the Leader You’ve Been Waiting For: Enjoying High Performance and High Fulfillment at Work won a Nautilus Book Award as a world-changing book promoting positive social change and responsible leadership.

He currently has the following programs: What’s Calling You, The Meditation Habit, Healing Family Karma all offered trough Wisdom Heart .

Follow Eric's work on Instagram  or on Facebook 

Amanda Strojny