The power of Yoga Retreats

I recently landed in Bali, which I still cannot believe and completed my second yoga retreat in the last three months.   

People often ask why do a yoga retreat, what are the benefits?

A yoga retreat is one of the most powerful gifts you can offer yourself.  It gives you an entire week to dedicate yourself to the beauty and power that is you.  You are connected with like minded people who are on their own spiritual journeys, and the power lies in getting to know one another and gaining a deeper understanding of yourself.  The collaboration is always inspiring. 

I was fortunate enough to retreat in Bali with two of my amazing teachers from Portsmouth NH.  I felt grounded and alive as we explored the Hindu deities that are deeply rooted in the Balinese culture.  Our daily asana and pranayama was beautifully woven with stories of the Gods and Gooddesses.  

Each yoga retreat I attend brings me closer to my Dharma, my purpose.  I am awakened as I immerse myself completely in my body, breath and mind.  It is in opportunity to disconnect fully from our normal routines and to drop into the present moment. I always love detoxing from technology and social media.  During this time we can start to uncover the truth about ourselves without hiding behind a phone, email or text. 

I would encourage anyone that is even considering taking a retreat to go all in.  Pick a place or pick a teacher, and commit.  The self care you are able to offer yourself in just one week will impact you for a lifetime. 

When we take the time to deeply love and care for ourselves, we are offering our best selves to the world and those we love.  There is no greater gift you can give yourself.  The time is now and you are more than ready.