Mama Kauai: I bow deeply to you

Since arriving to Kauai on January 12th, my life has been forever changed.  I still pinch myself that I was able to spend a month and a half living on an island surrounded by beauty. 

To start, a little history I thought was interesting. The island of Kauai is connected to the 6th Chakra, the Third Eye.  It is connected to the element of light and the color is indigo purple.  This is connected to our inspiration, insight and vision.  The energy on the island of Kauai is powerful.  This is not surprising considering it is the oldest Hawaiian island.   

During my time in Kauai I was able to connect deeply to myself through meditation, sound and yoga.   I was opened up to the practice of Kundalini Yoga and have noticed an immediate shift in my physical and mental state.  To be healed and awakened by sound is powerful. I feel honored to have met Diane Cline, a true spiritual leader and I would recommend her to anyone looking for an awakening.  

Diane Cline- Yoga Inspirations

I bow deeply to Mama Kauai for holding me from the moment I arrived.  For allowing me the gift of bathing in the salt of the pacific.  For basking in the sunshine and being cooled by the palm trees.  For making me realize that being alone does not mean I am lonely.  For allowing me to continue to be a student of Yoga and to learn through the wisdom of others.  For the opportunity to teach yoga in a new studio.  To feel at ease in my teaching and practice.   To accept exactly where I am is where I am meant to be. 

I am most grateful for the people I have met during my time in Kauai.  The most powerful part of travel is the ability to meet so many different people outside of your inner circle.  To the people who opened up their hearts and homes to me, I bow deeply.  

I came to Kauai with an open mind wanting to receive but also wanting to teach.  I could have never predicted how the journey would unfold.  The more I stopped and asked the universe for guidance the more alignment I received.  Everything just kept falling into place and I realized the path is meant to be easy.  When we trust the process, when we release our fears; we are able to walk our path with ease and grace.  This experience is just another reminder to release the fear and allow life to unfold organically. 

Kauai you broke open my heart and for that I am forever grateful.  

I bow deeply to you

Sat Nam


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