Are you asking for what you deserve?

We think money only becomes a problem when we don’t have enough of it.   Yes this is a true statement, but our relationship to money can be a problem even when we do have enough. 

We all have relationships in our lives, and how we choose to value and respect those relationships is what allows them to remain or to be released.  The same is true for our relationship to money.   We have a relationship with it whether we want to admit it or not.  We allow it have power or we pretend like it does not exist. 

I encourage you to sit in silence and to ask yourself what is your relationship to money?  Allow yourself the time and space to see what arrives. 

I know for myself I have always been aware of my relationship to money.   I was taught from an early age I should never spend more money than I had, but I still had some fear around never having enough.  When I started to move deeper into my desire to hold tightly to my money, I realized it was paralyzing me from moving forward in my life.  I was so caught up in my routine of making more money and saving that I wasn’t living my life and I wasn’t pursuing my passion.  I had enough money, but I did not have a healthy relationship with it.

You can have enough money, but it does not mean your relationship to it is serving you.  

I know I am not alone when I say my relationship with money was built around fear.  

Money becomes a topic that we tend to avoid in conversations because we are afraid.  Afraid of what people will think or say or afraid of the shame and guilt we might feel.  

When I worked in corporate America I distinctly remember wondering if my colleagues made more money than me, but I was too afraid to ask the question or have a discussion around it. 

I always just thought if I worked hard enough I would make more money, but I quickly realized I had to ask for what I wanted having the confidence in myself and my ability to know I deserved it. 

I had to release my fear and stand in my power. 

Why is it so hard to ask for what we deserve?

Looking back now I can’t believe I even had that thought, but I did and I know I am not alone. 

I know that once you start to uncover your money stories and realize what is holding you back, abundance and prosperity are able to come forward in your life and in your business.   

This may seem like an easy fix but uncovering your money stories will not happen overnight.  The process of transformation is never quick or easy; it takes time, patience and most importantly courage. 

My passion is coaching people in the wellness industry to uncover the money stories that prevent them from achieving prosperity in their business and in their life.

When you make a commitment to have awareness to your stories and to value yourself, then your clarity and vision moves forward with abundance.  

Are you ready to be courageous and to ask for what you deserve?

Email me at and get started today!

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