How attached are you to the story?

I have found myself so many times forcing things to be a certain way.  Whether it was the relationship I wanted to work or the job I wanted to have or the way a person would react.  If it didn’t work the exact way I wanted it to, it didn’t stop me from forcing it to happen.

I already had planned for the outcome for the next step and I was resistant to releasing my attached story.  

The dedication to the plan and the outcome left me feeling disappointed and defeated. 

When we are committed to the outcome and the result, we prevent ourselves from being present.  We create a story of how our life should be in our mind and we spend our days working towards the perfect ending. 

When we force we are going against the natural flow. 

I had spent the majority of my life forcing things to work because I thought the more in control I was, the more power I would have.  

When I started to come into alignment with myself, I realized the forcing was a tool I had used to avoid fear.  When I forced and when I could control the expected outcome, there was no fear and there was no uncertainty.   I was confident it would happen.  

We want to have control and we want to know the ending before we experience the beginning, taking us away from our ability to be present and to feel alive.

Freedom occurs when we stop controlling the outcome.   When we choose to check in and allow for what is next rather than forcing our agenda. 

Do you find yourself forcing your way through life? 
What would happen if you just let go and allowed life to happen? 

What would your new story be?

Amanda Strojny