What we avoid brings us closer to the Truth

I built a life on avoiding uncertainty on making sure I always had plans so that I felt in control. 

The control gave me peace of mind and allowed me to avoid the anxious feeling of not knowing what was next. 

I avoided saying yes to things when I did not know the outcome or I was not sure how it would all work out.  

I held my money and my time close to my heart and made sure that I was always saving and only doing activities where I was receiving a return of investment. 

I had it all aligned with all the pieces in order but for some reason I found myself searching for something more.

Waking up every day and knowing what to expect created structure but prevented me from feeling joy.

Avoiding risk and change brought me closer to the truth.

When I let go of control and the need to have it all it planned out I allowed for opportunity and I allowed for flow.

Avoiding the pieces of ourselves that are difficult or challenging can only last so long.   When we start to dive deeper into these pieces we discover our truth. 

The truth of who we are and what we want. 

If we continue to avoid the challenging pieces, we fail to move into a place of growth and of expansion. 

What are you avoiding or what is holding you back from moving closer into your truth?

Reach out for a free 30 minute consultation to start to uncover what is you have been avoiding.

Amanda Strojny