The Treasure of Solo Travel

This month I am blessed to have landed once again back on the beautiful island of Kauai.

I had always dreamed of being able to come back to this magical island filled with grounding energy and love. 

As much as I tried to avoid expectations and desires for this month away I was quickly faced with disappointment and sadness.

How could I be in a beautiful location with beautiful people and  find myself feeling lonely and sad.

I was reminded that disappointment and sadness can only come if I expect things to be a certain way or if I expect people to act a certain way.

If I release my expectations then what I receive can be so beautiful.  

Often the most beautiful things are created in the most unexpected moments.

My time so far in Hawaii has been a time of reflection and cleansing through tears and laughter.  As I remove myself from my daily environment I am forced to see the hidden pieces of myself that I have been avoiding, it’s an ongoing process I am learning.

I have rediscovered the power of being alone.

The courage to be with my beautiful self and to feel deep love.

We often avoid loneliness because it is not comfortable and creates pain and unease.  

When we are alone we feel the depth of our soul and we are required to find our own inner peace.

This time in Kauai is just what I needed to find balance and to find grace and most of all to find presence.

The presence to be still in nature and the presence to truly love the only person who deserves the depth of my heart…Myself!

Amanda Strojny