What happens when we actually do the work?

It is interesting how this topic of “doing the work” has been coming up for me in the last few weeks.  When I talk about “doing the work” I am referring to the work you do to be the best version of yourself. 

Do you know what you want?  Do you know what brings you joy?  Do you know what you are passionate about?  Do you have things about yourself you don’t like but also don’t choose to change?  Where are you holding back?

The questions are endless and believe me they run through my mind everyday.   

We have all the resources we could ever need for how to do the work.  We can buy a book for how to change our mindset or how to change our relationship to almost anything or how to believe we are worthy.   

Why do we find ourselves coming back into the same patterns or asking ourselves the same questions? 

How do we actually do the work and when will it be done?

Discovering who we really are at our authentic core is not easy and doing the work is not as simple as reading a self help book or saying a mantra.  It is a process that doesn’t have an end date or a final destination.  

Maybe that is what makes it so challenging.

We do the work each and every day by showing up as our true authentic selves.  Questioning when things don’t feel right in body and mind.  Allowing ourselves compassion when we have made  mistake or gone in a wrong direction and admitting that change is a constant.

We do the work by feeling into loneliness and honoring sadness. 

We do the work by making difficult decisions and by listening to our intuition.  By standing in our truth even when we are standing alone and when we feel like we have nowhere else to go.

How we think and believe today may not be how we think and believe one year from now.  We have to admit that we are human and when we actually choose to do the work we have to remember it is not always going to feel good.  Sometimes it will feel like being stuck in the mud and sometimes it will feel like treading water and sometimes it will feel like floating.  

I have made a commitment to “doing the work” because I believe it is what actually brings us closer to  authentic human connection and that is what I desire.

When we are able to strip away our protection and to share our feelings of loneliness, fear or uncertainty we are able to be human.  This is not something we can fake, you either feel it or you don’t.

We are all just searching for this deep human connection in ourselves and in others whether we realize it in this moment or not. 

I have made a commitment to myself to keep evolving, to keep learning and to keep changing. I am demanding authenticity from myself and from those I surround myself with and I honor all of you who are showing up and “doing the work”.

Amanda Strojny