What does Abundance look like when it is not in the form of money?

We live in a culture that requires us to have money to support ourselves and to fulfill our basic needs of shelter, food and personal safety. We all know that we need money to live and without it life can be challenging.

But if we only focus on the money, do we feel true abundance.

Abundance can come in the form of love from a community, a partner or a family member. Abundance can come in the form of a connection with a stranger. Abundance can come from a new idea or a way to express your creativity in the world. Abundance can come from having a conversation from the heart.

Abundance of money is wonderful, yes but having it does not automatically mean we will feel fulfilled or complete.

I have been at points in my life where I have had money saved, with no debt and the ability to spend money freely, but I did not feel abundant. I was in a career that did not make me happy, I was in a relationship that was not fulfilling and I was searching deeply for my purpose. To be honest I was miserable.

Instead of trying to make more money or to grasp for opportunities or situations that will bring you money try to reach for what will fill you up. What will bring you personal joy. Focusing your energy on the internal rather than the external.

When we take the time to do the internal work we are able to experience external abundance with more ease. This is the process of fixing the foundation before fixing the exterior. Money is the exterior, it is tangible but internal abundance is the foundation, it is a felt experience. We can’t just go out and get more of it and if it is not build with strength and integrity it will crumble.

Abundance to me is about living from a place in the heart knowing that each action I am taking has purpose. Abundance to me means achieving the goals and intentions I have set for myself with pleasure and ease rather than with force or control.

Abundance is personal. You get to define the relationships on your terms.

How do you define personal Abundance?

Amanda Strojny