How about we figure out who we are and what we value, instead of assuming money will fix it!

Are you living with the assumption that money will fix it?

How many times have you been in a situation or time in your life when you just thought if I had a little more money, I would be happy or this would all work out?

It is so easy to think that money is the solution and the answer.  We get caught up in believing that money will solve all problems and if we just have an overflowing amount than everything else will become easier and work out. 

Sorry to disappoint but it simply doesn’t work like that.  We must be committed to digging deeper into all pieces of ourselves and to understand our belief system.

If we don’t take the time to understand our beliefs and the stories we have created for ourselves we can achieve our goal of making more money and still be unsatisfied and striving for more.

In this cycle we never feel as though we have enough or are enough.

What are some of the beliefs that you hold when it comes to money?

  • If I have a lot of money I will be happy.

  • I never have enough money.

  • I feel ashamed of the way I spend my money.

  • I don’t trust myself around money.

  • I don’t want to think about money.

These are just some of the ways in which we form our relationship to money without even realizing it.  We create patterns in the way we speak to ourselves and speak to others. 

In the yoga practice one of the five Yamas is Satya or truthfulness.   Truthfulness is required not only to those around you but most importantly to yourself.   This requires us to dig deeper into the words we are using to speak to ourselves.  Are they truthful or are they being used from the ego as a form of protection.  When we are able to be completely true with ourselves our internal thoughts match and reflect our outward thoughts and we become transparent.   We move deeper into a place of authenticity and personal alignment. 

It is is easy to become conditioned as a form of protection and to believe that what we are doing and saying is helping us avoid potential pain or hurt. 

Start to examine the ways in which you speak to yourself and notice the impact.   

Leave a comment below and if you are ready to make the change in your inner dialogue and to escape the patterns preventing you from leading an abundant life then reach out!

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