The biggest Financial block you have is yourself

The stories you have created for yourself on why you don’t have enough money or why more money will make you happy.

Avoiding the stories and assuming everything will be fixed when more money arrives is one of the biggest myths we can get caught in. 

We want to believe that the money will fix it when what really needs to be fixed is the heart.

To take a deeper look inside yourself and to understand where you are holding back.   

Try out this exercise the next time you tell yourself  or someone else you don’t have enough money for something?

  • Pause! Get still if you can and ask your heart what it needs!

  • Listen for an answer may take a few minutes, don’t rush the process.

  • Ask yourself if this thing or experience you require will provide you with what you need.

  • If the answer is yes then proceed forward and stop using the excuse of not having enough money. We have the money for the things/ experiences we find important.

  • But if the answer is no then say no and the reason behind your no rather than I don’t have enough money. Be honest with yourself and those around you.

The phrase I don’t have enough money is easy to say but the real reason why you don’t want to commit to something is more uncomfortable. 

The more authentic we become in our internal dialogue the easier it becomes to hold this same authenticity in our outer dialogue. 

Are you willing to stay in the uncomfortable and be honest and transparent on your reason why?

Amanda StrojnyComment