Do I really need a Coach for that? 

As someone who is in the coaching industry I have noticed the rise in coaching programs, trainings and ways to improve yourself.  The list is endless from increasing your confidence, getting clear on your career, finding the right person, creating a healthier relationship to your body.     

Really there is a coach for everything.

But just because it is there, does not mean that everyone is created equal.   So how do you decide whether you need a coach and if what someone is offering is going to serve you?

I am sharing below three ways I have found to be helpful:

First, take a moment to get clear on your own personal values.   Why are you looking to make a change?  Knowing your own personal values and standing in your truth will move you in the direction of a person that also knows their values and is standing in their truth.   Someone who is posting on social media all the time may have a great marketing program, but that doesn’t always mean their values are in alignment with your own.   Just like any relationship a connection built on trust is required.   

Second, identify the actionable items you are looking to change in your life or your business.  It is important to get still with yourself to understand what you actually want to change.   Seeking out another person’s advice or opinion without seeking clarity from yourself first will only leave you more lost and confused.  The right coach will not give you an answer or tell you what to do, the right coach will see the power that already lies within you as you work to eventually arrive there on your own.  

Finally, notice if someone else’s experience or story is what draws you in.  We all have lived experiences and those experiences can become a basis for how we coach others.  The only thing is everyone is different and what I did in my life may not be what you need in your life   The right coach understands this and does not assume that what worked for me will work for you.   

I will end with this, I don’t believe we need a coach we actually already have all we need inside of us.  I do believe that we can get caught up in our own stories and patterns, and alone it can be hard to get out of them. 

A coach to me is a trusted voice that allows me to be heard, to be witnessed and stands beside me as I arrive at my personal truth.   They are never guaranteeing me any specific outcome such as if I do this I will make this or if I say this I will get more followers.   They understand that I have the power to discover my own voice and finding my deeper purpose will bring me closer to ultimate freedom so I can avoid another quick fix.

If this resonated with you, please leave a comment below or reach out if you are interested in 1:1 Coaching contact me!  

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