Telling yourself I don’t know is a way to avoid what you actually do Know to be True

How often do you find yourself saying I don’t know.  I just don’t know what to do next or I just don’t know if I should be spending money on that?

However your indecision arises, take note.   Often saying I don’t know is easier than saying I do know.   It becomes an easy way of escaping our current reality as we sit in this place of uncertainty without having to have answers or solutions. 

Next time you find yourself saying I don’t know, stop and try the following:

  1. Ask yourself where am I feeling this in my physical body? Our physical body can be a guide to our truth. 

  2. Ask yourself what do I know to be true in this moment?  What are the facts?  Facts are what is true in this moment. 

  3. Think about your immediate answer to the question/ statement without allowing your analytical brain to decide if it is possible.  Your first response is typically the truth for you. 

  4. Be confident in your response.  Confidence is decisive and creates action. 

  5. Once the decision has been made give yourself permission to let it go and surrender.   Wavering back and forth creates indecision and forces us back into the past rather than moving forward to the present. 

The point I am making here is that you we always have the answer we need.  We know when we need help or when we need to make a change. We also know when someone/ something is not working.

It is easy to say I just don’t know to avoid the change that is required for forward progress to actually occur. 

Don’t allow yourself to be led by fear and to continue to avoid what you know to be true. 

The same is true about your financial situation.

Do you know the facts.  Do you know how much money you have?  How much debt you have?  What it would take to move forward?   What could be holding you back?

Are you asking yourself what you need and require when you make financial decisions?

If your answer to the any of the above questions is “I Don’t Know”, I encourage you to go back and do the above exercise.

There is a solution and there is a way to change.  Things don’t have to stay the way they are unless you want them to.  

Stop saying “I don’t know” and start confidently saying, “ I do know”

Forming a plan of action and moving forward with confidence empowers you to step away from your own indecision. 

Clarity is required for forward progress.

How are you responding?

Amanda Strojny