Trading Services: Are you doing yourself a Disservice?

I see this pretty frequently in the healing and yoga community and wanted to share my thoughts.

What happens when we trade services?  

I want to believe in it and I know that it serves a higher purpose, and I am also present in the capitalist world we live in.  We are required to have money to do the things we want to do.   We can’t do everything through trade, as much as we might like to.  

I think about this from time to time:)

The concept of trading services sounds wonderful.  I get to support you and you get to support me, but realistically we are both left with no monetary gain and often times an energetic deplete.

Converting a client from a trade into a paying customer is extremely low.  In addition, I have found the expectations can be also be lower with not as much accountability.   

To be clear I am not saying that trading services is bad.  I have done it and continue to to do it, but I am mindful about the trades I am engaging in. 

For example if you are getting started in your business and you are looking to get feedback and to spread the word, you may trade services with one or two people.   I would encourage you to keep your trades at a maximum of two people and also ensure you are receiving a benefit that meets a core need versus a temporary want. 

If you are currently in trades with more than 50% of your clients, stop and ask yourself why? 

  • Are you getting something valuable from the trade?

  • How long has the trade been happening and is it still benefiting you?

  • Do you desire more paying customers? 

  • Are you fearful of asking customers for money and instead feel more comfortable offering the option of trade?

When 50% or more of your business is based on trade it becomes more challenging to make money.  

What can also happen in a trade is that one person does not feel as supported as the other.  They do not feel as though they are getting their value for the trade.  

I know for myself I have been involved in trades where I am not getting as much value and my reasoning for continuing is for another persons benefit.   As a result, I am expending energy and time on the trade taking me away from attracting paying customers.

I bring this up because trading services is common and it is easier sometimes than asking for money, so that can be why we do it.  

Next time you think of asking someone to trade services, try confidently asking someone if they would be interesting in paying for your services before automatically assuming that the only option is a trade. 

And if you feel like trading services supports you then by all means go for it.  

Feedback and comments always welcome! 

Amanda StrojnyComment