The Missing Link in Personal Accountability

There is so much out there to read and to know when it comes to changing your mindset or holding yourself accountable. You can gather all the information and you can fully understand it but then you are required to put it into action.  To move forward.  To hold yourself accountable. 

This can be the most challenging piece for so many.  

So, why is accountability so hard?  

Accountability is hard because we know ourselves so well.  We know exactly what to do say or do to ourselves to make the situation better and to avoid taking action.   We have set up ways in our lives that we think are holding us accountability when in reality they are simply making us feel more comfortable and at ease with our decisions.  They have allowed us to continue to play it safe over and over again. 

Real accountability requires being uncomfortable. It requires you creating a new pattern and a new story for yourself.   There are a small subset of people who are able to hold themselves accountable continually, to say what they are going to do and to take action. And there are many more who have great ideas and thoughts and are not able to move them forward due to lack of action and personal accountability. 

What is the missing link?  

The missing link is stillness.  It doesn’t require more money or more knowledge.  It just requires you.     

Sitting with yourself for moments throughout the day.  Recognizing what you need for your body and mind and then taking action accordingly.  When you start to develop this practice you are strengthen the accountability and trust with yourself.  You are understanding what you need and then you are taking action to make it happen.   You are learning personal accountability. You are coming into relationship with your own beautiful intuition.  

To feel what you require and to understand where your thoughts might be holding you back.  With this awareness you then have the power within you to make a different choice.

A choice that allows for change to happen rather than a continual repetition of the same behavior. 

Like anything it is a practice.  A practice that is required each and every day.  

With stillness, listening and trusting accountability becomes a way of life.  A continual dedication to yourself of taking action at the right time and in the right way.