Why our knowledge requires our own Experience and Trust

I always find it interesting how much we focusing our attention on what we know.  Whether it is the desire to prove something to someone or maybe just to prove something to ourselves. 

We start on this journey of acquiring knowledge from the time we are young and we step into the classroom.  We are tested on what we know.  What information we can memorize or convey back to someone and we then are given approval or validation.  This cycle continues for most of our life.   How can we get more information and prove to people that we are worthy. 

We may start to think that knowledge is everything.  The more I know the better I will be.   The assumption that the more we can go out and get the more benefit we are providing.  The funny thing with knowledge is it really means nothing without experience.  Without putting it all into practice.  

We can know information and believe it to be true and then we can have an experience which contradicts what we know. 

Leaving us with the question of what is true the knowledge or the experience?

For example I can have the knowledge to know I shouldn’t spend more money than I make and I should have a certain amount of money saved by a certain age.  And then I have to actually do it.  I have to understand for myself what it means to not spend more money than I make.  I have to put it into practice and this is where the real learning takes place.  Maybe it takes me a few times of spending more than I have to realize what this really means.   I am required to experience it for myself.  

Having and obtaining the knowledge is really such a small piece of the equation and yet we are a culture constantly searching for more knowledge, more degrees and more credentials. 

What if you already have enough knowledge.  What if what you really require is the experience of living?

This requires a trust in ourselves that our doing is part of the learning and we won’t always be perfect.  It requires  a daily self assessment and most importantly it requires taking risks to learn and grow.  

A deeper trust that we KNOW and that more knowledge is not necessarily what we require.   What we often require is trust in ourselves to take what we know and move ourselves wherever we need to go with the information we already have. 

How often have you looked for more knowledge instead of moving forward?   

You already know so much, believe it!